Our election platform for Berlin
The platform explains how we can turn Berlin into a climate positive city by 2030 in a socially just way. To implement it, we need your vote in the elections on September 26, 2021.
Which topics are you interested in?
Chapter 2: Fair changes for Berlin
Transition towards 100 % Renewable
With us, Berlin is committed to self-sufficiency with 100 % renewable energy. The Senate's hesitation so far has delayed the implementation of the energy transition. This results in higher costs for us and future generations. We are changing this: with a holistic planning approach, coordinated administrative structures, a discourse involving society as a whole, and regional and supraregional cooperation. We have no time to lose. Because our remaining CO2 budget is getting smaller every day.
Strengthening the municipal energy utility and citizens' energy
A strong municipal energy utility is the best prerequisite for the direct participation of citizens in Berlin's energy transition. We will develop the municipal energy utility into a central and competent partner for cooperative, private and public energy transition projects. Berlin's economy will also benefit from this. The further required energy infrastructure is to be completely transferred back to municipal self-administration with a serious intention to offer the participation of the citizens of Berlin.
Avoiding new construction
Buildings are an important factor in resource and climate protection. Construction and housing consume a lot of energy and cause enormous greenhouse gas emissions: through the production of steel, cement and bricks, through heating and electricity consumption. We are convinced that there is an alternative approach. New construction must become the exception. And if necessary, then it must be built to the passive house standard. Continued construction and conversion have priority. Urban development will start with what is already there. Quite rightly, the "Association of German Architects" is calling for a rethinking under the motto "creative omission". In the future, the entire climate impact of raw materials, including production and transport, should be taken into account in all building projects that are nevertheless to be carried out. For this purpose, targeted subsidies must be set up and laws, guidelines and approval procedures simplified. Here, too, politics has missed the boat, because the technology has long been developed and the motivation is already there. This is where we come in: We promote strong partners for a climate-friendly building culture.
Chapter 3: Berlin mobilizes – car-free
Parks and squares instead of parking lots
We will return vacant traffic areas to the people of Berlin and make them accessible for shared, safe use by all. They will be open for sports and culture, for art and play. Streets will become open stages for theater, music, literature, places to meet, to move, to linger. Berlin will become one big park, where we use the spaces equally. We want to enable and support planting and gardening in the streets. To this end, we will unseal or rededicate 50% of all public parking spaces in the coming election period and make them available to neighborhood residents. Free parking is a thing of the past. Parking space management will finally be extended to the whole of Berlin and the money will be used to transform the city. It is about time! Furthermore, vehicles that park unauthorized in handicapped parking spaces will be towed away immediately. In addition, it will be easier for people with disabilities to be issued a parking permit for handicapped parking spaces. All sidewalks will have non-parkable curb cuts at both ends blocked off with bollards.
Zero-emission rides
In addition to reducing and shifting car traffic, we are electrifying mobility. By 2030, the whole of Berlin will gradually become a zero-emission city. Only vehicles with zero-emission drives will be allowed in the city. Regrettably, internal combustion vehicles will have to stay outside. We will ensure that an appropriate charging infrastructure is in place - for all vehicles. The public administration is setting a good example by converting its fleet completely to electric vehicles by 2030. Every new acquisition must already be electric today. BVG will also be fully electric by 2030.
Chapter 4: Strengthen Berlin – Power to the People
Strengthen referendums
Our city is hectic, noisy and dirty. The administration is broken, many public buildings are run down. Countless apartments belong to anonymous financial players and speculators. The hospitals are overcrowded and overburdened. In short: The citizens of this city have long been kept out of sight. We demand change and rethinking now! Berlin must finally breathe a sigh of relief! To do this, we need to reflect on the essence of our city: Berlin - that's the people. We are a city of neighborhoods, of markets, of small merchants, of strollers and idlers, of individual lifestyles, of small and large freedoms. And all that means: participation, co-determination - for everyone, as comprehensively as possible.
To achieve this, we must change the rules: Direct democracy gives citizens more opportunities than just "casting their vote" every few years. Every inhabitant of Berlin should have the right to vote, regardless of their citizenship. The number of signatures required for popular initiatives and petitions must be reduced, and deadlines extended. Digital technologies reduce barriers and provide easier access (to legislation). It is necessary to simplify the bureaucratic process of referendums and make them legally binding, so that it becomes harder for politicians to override successful decisions.
Power to the children
Climate means the future. Therefore, codetermination must also be possible for those people who will bear the consequences of our current decisions. We stand for intergenerational justice and for lowering the voting age to 14 for elections to the German Bundestag, the Berlin House of Representatives and district councils. Berlin is working at the federal level for corresponding changes in the law. In order to explore the full range of possibilities, we are also having an independent study conducted by the state of Berlin. It will serve to develop appropriate measures for the participation of children and young people in all areas of life relevant to them.
Administration for the good
Only with a strong and efficient administration can we meet the challenges of the climate crisis. Our public administration has been systematically financially damaged by Berlin's governing parties over the decades. Unclear competencies, staff shortages and the privatization of sovereign tasks have resulted in an unprecedented loss of image and efficiency. This must end. Berlin needs a strong administration with a new self-confidence that sees itself as a supporter of the people of this city. This includes, not least, strengthening the motivation and initiative of the people who work in the administration. Appropriate pay is just as important. And equipment that fits into the 21st century.
Proviso for the climate
Climate-friendly urban redevelopment requires appropriate and targeted management. We will redesign, streamline and consistently digitize processes and official procedures from a citizen's perspective. This will make them simpler and more accessible. This will make processing easier and faster and ensure greater transparency for citizens, who will be much more involved in the city's numerous planning processes than they have been in the past. All decisions made by the administration have a clear premise: the Berlin climate. All decisions are subject to a "climate proviso" so that efficiency and benefits for the city, the environment and society can be examined and, if necessary, better alternatives sought.
Administration as a role model
The administration also serves as a role model. The entire vehicle fleet is being converted to 100 % climate-neutral drives. Buildings and office space are supplied with electricity and heat from renewable energy sources, and roof surfaces are used for photovoltaics. Finances must also finally be made sustainable. The state of Berlin is a customer of Postbank and Sparkasse-Landesbank, both of which invest in coal power and armaments. We put an end to this irresponsibility! In the future, Berlin will keep its accounts with social-ecological banks. In addition, the administration introduces a CO2 shadow price in the amount of the follow-up costs of currently 195 €. Thus, the actual climate and environmental costs will be priced into any investment and purchase decisions of Berlin.
Transparency for Berlin
We are committed to radical transparency laws. The referendum on a transparency law has already set a course that clearly goes beyond the Senate's proposal. The work of politics and administration must become "transparent. Among other things, a portal will be set up in which information about state-owned companies can be viewed by the public. Contracts worth 100,000 euros or more between public corporations or state institutions and the private sector can then be read. At the same time, all information will be free of charge. The new openness drastically reduces the previous volume of public inquiries to the administration. This reduces contradictions and complaints. The time and personnel resources freed up will benefit day-to-day business - and all of us.
Steering authority by law
The amendment to the District Administration Act is a declaration of bankruptcy in terms of climate policy. Instead of "target agreements," we demand concrete measures. The "Environment and Nature Conservation Office" must be established as a separate fixed business area at the district level. It will be equipped with the necessary competencies to achieve sustainable, fast, appropriate and inter-district solutions for a climate-friendly city. Each district will have a team of climate protection officers with clear guidelines, more competence and sufficient staff.
Act local, think connected
We need to think outside the box. Berlin's climate-friendly urban redevelopment needs numerous new collaborations. Brandenburg is at the top of the list. Businesses and institutions based there will be invited at all levels to participate in Berlin's energy transition. Berlin and Brandenburg are already linked by a close partnership at the administrative level. Other sectors are to follow: Food, transportation, industry, education, urban and regional development, recreation, environmental protection, water, air - but also political administration. This new symbiosis will become a model for further partnerships. With neighboring EU countries and other pioneers of climate protection, we are exchanging experiences and jointly developing sustainable ideas. Because progress only succeeds through dialog.
Chapter 5: Bringing Berlin together
Research: free and independent
We fight for a framework that makes Berlin a center of free research around the climate. This also includes an increase in the financial resources made available. Especially when it comes to climate, independent research must be ensured through publicly funded studies. The spectrum of research covers all disciplines and subject areas: Environment and nature, data and consumer protection, self-determination, social cohesion, digitalization, legal foundations, circular economy and resource consumption. All results of publicly funded research are made freely available. Research projects must be open to scrutiny from the perspective of sustainability and will be discontinued if necessary. Research in the areas of so-called armaments, weapons technologies and the promotion of fossil fuels will not take place in Berlin. Those who conduct externally funded research must disclose the interests of the donors in a transparency register.
Be prepared for emergencies
COVID19 has brought home to us: Our system is not equipped to deal with large-scale crises like pandemics. Chaos, ancient technology, and leadership failures have cost numerous lives. Many more have suffered health and psychological damage. Trust in state structures has suffered.
When it comes to climate, we focus on avoiding catastrophes. That's why we listen to science and, as a country, keep to our fair CO2 budget. At the same time, we have to prepare for emergencies. The people of Berlin have a right to expect their city to protect them. For this, Berlin needs modern disaster protection based on science and ethics. This includes shelters against heat, digital and analog hazard warning, water and food supplies for emergencies, and clear emergency and phased plans for pandemics. It is also important to help people help themselves in a strong, supportive community. Regular first aid courses for all people should be a matter of course.
Chapter 6: Berlin radically new
Growth must not be a state goal
Our economic system, built on growth, is partly to blame for the increasing destruction of our livelihoods. It can therefore not be part of our state policy objective. We push for the removal of the growth paradigm from all legally binding treaties and laws. Instead, we will include the protection and equitable use of our livelihoods as a supreme state objective in the Berlin constitution and adapt the state laws accordingly.
Last but not least: We remain activists!
Experience has shown: our policies are only as good as the civil society that drives them. We are part of the climate justice movement. We see ourselves as a mouthpiece for every initiative, every association and every alliance that works for climate justice, for the transport and energy transition and for a peaceful, social and livable Berlin. Let's get into conversation with each other.
Let's build a strong community for climate and civic participation. Let's bring radical humanity to Berlin's parliaments and cast social change into law. And let's stay active and continue to fight on the streets for the climate-positive transformation of our city. Join the movement! Berlin needs you!
Our climate plan
In addition to our election program, we are the only party with an extensive climate plan. On more than 300 pages it combines scientific research with tangible actions to realize Berlin’s transformation into a climate positive city in the next 9 years.
Make history
Are you a scientist or an expert? We got into politics, because we believe it’s time politicians start to act on scientific facts. We want and need your help to take the climate plan even further. Send us your feedback and contribute directly to expand it.