Our election platform for Berlin
The platform explains how we can turn Berlin into a climate positive city by 2030 in a socially just way. To implement it, we need your vote in the elections on September 26, 2021.
Which topics are you interested in?
Chapter 1: Inspire Berlin!
The earth is our home - Berlin is our project of heart. Together with you, we will turn the capital into a model city we can be proud of: Berlin will be climate positive and socially just.
We are already in the middle of shaping it, together with the citizens of this city - together with you. We are taking responsibility and will therefore become a climate-friendly zero-emission city as early as 2030. Gardens and public green spaces will characterize the cityscape, and the whole of Berlin will become a park. Our neighborhoods will once again be places for everyone to live and meet each other. Energy is generated locally in a renewable way and used efficiently. Our local economy is oriented to the social needs of the people in the city. It respects planetary boundaries, conserves raw materials, and reduces consumption. Circular processes, neighborhood stores and cultural institutions are more important to us than economic growth. Together we are radically redesigning the city: for us people, for our environment, for our well-being.
Listen to science and act accordingly!
Berlin policymakers will listen to independent science on climate and health from now on - that's our promise. A CO2 budget shows us exactly how ambitiously we need to avoid emissions in order to stay within the 1.5°C limit. And the Senate is committed to it! Because we are establishing transparent targets and monitoring at all levels of the administration. An Energy Transition Control Committee in the Senate Chancellery will ensure that the objectives are implemented smoothly, cost-efficiently and on time. Blockages and administrative ping-pong will thus be a thing of the past. This is how 100 % renewable energy by 2030 will happen! Avoiding the climate catastrophe is too important a task to be allowed to stagnate as it has been in the past. With partners like Brandenburg, we will work more closely together than ever before. And our economy will finally become a courageous role model for anyone.
Ick will Future - I want future!
Climate protection means demanding justice, promoting new opportunities and living sustainably. In Berlin, we citizens are taking the helm into our own hands. The active participation of citizens' councils, whose decisions are politically binding, gives our democracy a contemporary update. We are transferring infrastructure and public services back to public control. We want to overcome barriers to innovation such as the debt brake. Because now and in this legislature is the time to invest in the future. We owe it to ourselves and to future generations. The striking climate justice movement reminds us of that every Friday. The whole city should join their demands in solidarity! This also means that we must put an end to the imperatives of consumption and growth. Instead of the destructive "faster, higher, further" of senseless turbo-capitalism, we finally dedicate ourselves to "closer, more human, more livable".
Ecocide is a crime
"Thanks mommy, thanks daddy" is what our children will say when we leave them a buzzing, humming planet with insects, corals and other creatures. Anyone who knowingly endangers or destroys ecosystems will therefore have to deal with the law in the future. We are fighting for a very far-reaching ecocide law that prosecutes environmental crimes.
1 election program is not enough
Planning for the future means shaping far-sightedly with a steady hand. Unlike other parties, we don't think in terms of legislative periods, but in terms of generations. That's why we have written a climate plan for Berlin that shows a path to a fair, CO2-neutral city on a scientific basis. Let's work together to supplement and expand this climate plan. Let's listen to the needs of all Berliners and find powerful solutions to our challenges. Let's unite behind the science to address the climate crisis in a safe and healthy way. We have a vision for the future of this city - and a passionate desire to make it happen. Together with you. Are you ready to help shape your future?
Chapter 2: Fair changes for Berlin
All of Berlin turns into a park
Future vision: Berlin has turned into a paradise - we have no other choice, because the climate crisis is already here. Heat, drought and heavy rain require the restructuring of our city: into one big park. For this, we have implemented a number of measures that experts summarize under the technical term "sponge city". This term refers to a natural climate regulator that stores rainwater and releases it as moist coolness on hot days. This has health benefits and enhances the quality of life in an urban environment.
An end to concrete deserts: Berlin's concrete areas will be consistently unsealed (over time?). Houses, roofs and streets will be extensively grassed and planted, moorlands restored to its natural state, and urban forests will be protected and expanded. In this way, grassed areas and parks will connect with the city and Berlin will become a major climate metropolis.
The maintenance of existing trees is also important. Street trees need to be regularly watered and in some cases replanted. We are creating job opportunitiesfor this in the administrative offices. Existing natural environments such as the Tempelhofer Feld are under special protection and must not be devalued into building grounds.
Stop asphalting
Every day, valuable soil is built over, concreted over, asphalted, paved and surfaced. For years, the Federal Environment Agency has been calling for a rethink - fruitlessly. Ending this destruction is our top priority. By law, we are introducing an immediate building ground moratorium. This means: no more sealing. Existing sealing will be systematically recorded and consistently deconstructed. This unsealing program ensures a social, healthy and climate-friendly relationship between green spaces and built-over surfaces in Berlin. Rainwater can finally seep into large areas. Fresh air corridors are activated.
Citizens for trees, trees for citizens
Berlin's transformation is a matter for the community. A functioning urban nature needs the cooperation of administration and urban society. All necessary measures are bundled and implemented competently, efficiently and cost-effectively. For this purpose, laws are adapted, funds are made available, clear responsibilities are defined in the senate and districts, staff is hired and experts are trained. Then off to the neighbourhoods: Berlin's greening will be a celebration of direct democracy. In dialogue and with the participation of the residents, we will tackle urban restructuring together. Our actions bring climate education into the community. They strengthen the local coexistence and form the backbone for a sustainable resilient social community.
Breathable air
Every year, more than 80,000 people die in Germany as a result of air pollution. The legal threshold values are regularly exceeded in Berlin as well. Urban redevelopment, traffic reduction and unsealing of the soil provide a considerable improvement here. With a new law, we introduce the recommended air pollution threshold of the World Health Organisation (WHO) for Berlin. They will be monitored throughout the city with the help of air monitoring stations, with the data being scientifically evaluated. Exceeding them leads to appropriate compensatory measures in the interest of people, health and the environment.
Turning old into modern
Berlin's old buildings must be modernized to reduce our energy needs. More than a 50 percent increase in efficiency is possible. We want to increase, simplify and more effectively advertise subsidy programs for energy-efficient renovation of existing buildings. So that they are finally understandable and used in the right places. Renovation requires sensitivity in terms of historic preservation as well as logistical and technical intelligence. We are overcoming the old either/or confrontation and ensuring that climate protection and historic preservation complement each other. Climate-friendly building and insulation materials are used, and their raw materials, production, transport and processing must be taken into account. The installation of climate-damaging gas and oil heating systems must end immediately. This can be achieved with new district heating concepts and a stronger focus of subsidy programs on the use of environmental heat. The key point for us is that rents remain stable despite energy-efficient renovation.
Chapter 3: Berlin mobilizes – car-free
Sheet metal avalanche? A thing of the past!
The interaction of small initiatives, large associations and successful referendums has mobilized Berlin's citizens to drastically transform its traffic "from the bottom”. We support the "Berlin car-free referendum," that wants to let Berlin’s citizens vote creating a car-free zone within the S-Bahn ring.
We oppose the despondency of Berlin's transport policy to date with a visionary program for the mobility of tomorrow. We strongly criticize the current lack of initiative of Berlin’s transport policy. Instead we propose a visionary program to ensure mobility in the future. Our concept is inclusive, citizen-oriented, socially compatible and environmentally friendly. It is based on suggestions from many metropolises and scientifically proven measures, in close cooperation with research, science and technology. Vision Zero, i.e. zero traffic deaths in Berlin, should no longer be a goal, but finally a reality. Local public transportation must be massively expanded. Buses and trains will run more frequently. Fares will become cheaper. In this way, we will make Berlin fit for the 21st century and set an example for the world.
Fair distribution of space
Seventy-eight percent of Berlin's current traffic areas belong to the car. And this despite the fact that only a quarter of all journeys are made by car. This is unreasonable, unfair and harms the climate, nature and people. We are implementing a radical redistribution of transportation space in favor of public transport, sharing services, cycling and walking. Climate-friendly means of transport are at the center of our concept. The car becomes the exception - because it is no longer necessary. And those who act now will be rewarded: with a scrapping bonus for combustion engines. Those who give up their cars will receive a subsidy of 1,000 euros on public transport tickets or the purchase of a bicycle. Car streets will then become car-free bicycle and play streets. By 2025, we want to free half of all neighborhoods from cars; large, business-rich streets such as Friedrichstrasse, Schlossstrasse or Ku'damm will permanently become inviting pedestrian zones. Bicycle paths will be extended and linked, parking lots will be unsealed, and neighborhoods will be transformed into small oases. This will benefit not only residents but also local businesses.
Parks and squares instead of parking lots
We will return vacant traffic areas to the people of Berlin and make them accessible for shared, safe use by all. They will be open for sports and culture, for art and play. Streets will become open stages for theater, music, literature, places to meet, to move, to linger. Berlin will become one big park, where we use the spaces equally. We want to enable and support planting and gardening in the streets. To this end, we will unseal or rededicate 50% of all public parking spaces in the coming election period and make them available to neighborhood residents. Free parking is a thing of the past. Parking space management will finally be extended to the whole of Berlin and the money will be used to transform the city. It is about time! Furthermore, vehicles that park unauthorized in handicapped parking spaces will be towed away immediately. In addition, it will be easier for people with disabilities to be issued a parking permit for handicapped parking spaces. All sidewalks will have non-parkable curb cuts at both ends blocked off with bollards.
Short-haul flights for insects only
The new Berlin airport is destroying any climate protection efforts by the state. We are fighting for the maximum deconstruction of the airport and an immediate ban on short-haul flights. We also want to reduce climate-damaging flights to distant destinations as much as possible. The climate impact caused by Berlin air traffic is to be reduced by at least 75% by 2026. Flying is extremely unfair - because a small minority of predominantly wealthy frequent flyers cause the majority of all flight emissions and consequential damage. We must take consistent countermeasures here in the interests of climate justice. In addition, the airport must be completely self-supporting. With our support, BER will not receive a single cent of taxpayers' money. We also want to avoid a new terminal for the German government, which is currently being planned. Instead, we will make Berlin a European rail hub. We will also reactivate night train connections. At the federal level, we advocate a heavy tax on kerosene to finance the expansion of the railroads.
Chapter 4: Strengthen Berlin – Power to the People
Administration as a role model
The administration also serves as a role model. The entire vehicle fleet is being converted to 100 % climate-neutral drives. Buildings and office space are supplied with electricity and heat from renewable energy sources, and roof surfaces are used for photovoltaics. Finances must also finally be made sustainable. The state of Berlin is a customer of Postbank and Sparkasse-Landesbank, both of which invest in coal power and armaments. We put an end to this irresponsibility! In the future, Berlin will keep its accounts with social-ecological banks. In addition, the administration introduces a CO2 shadow price in the amount of the follow-up costs of currently 195 €. Thus, the actual climate and environmental costs will be priced into any investment and purchase decisions of Berlin.
Chapter 5: Bringing Berlin together
Sustainable school - radically diverse, equitable and climate positive.
The budget for the school sector must be massively increased. In addition to funding our proposed measures and implementing a comprehensive recruitment offensive, schools will be given their own budgets at their own disposal so that they can initiate experiments and model projects themselves.
We are advocating participatory school design. Climate, global climate justice, anti-racism, coming to terms with colonialism and local and global power and exploitation structures, critical economics, nutrition and conscious consumption will be firmly anchored as topics.
In addition, a re-examination of the shortfalls in climate policy will take place in the school, also in order to prevent intergenerational conflicts. The focus, however, is on the development and implementation of positive ideas for a sustainable Berlin! Our proposal for this: Pupils should spend a fixed day in the school week working on their own projects across all subjects and grades; teachers should provide support as needed. The "FREI DAY" concept of the initiative Schule im Aufbruch (school on the move) can be a model. The projects are supplemented by activities such as gardening, cooking together, visits to businesses and local projects, and discussions with scientists and transformation agents. In this way, social change can be experienced and grasped in a concrete way, and creativity is encouraged.
The Senate Administration produces material prepared by experts available on a central, low-threshold and interactive platform. Suggestions are also collected here on how climate-relevant topics can be given more space in the lessons of all subjects. The offer is supported by a permanent, interdisciplinary team of educationally relevant professional groups (e.g. craftsmen, artists, but also therapists), who provide individual developmental support and thus contribute to equal opportunities.
Last but not least, we will use all of the above-mentioned measures to alleviate the general pressure on the school system and all those involved in order to develop comprehensive time and space for personal development, community togetherness and team understanding. To implement these measures, we will provide teachers with the necessary time off during their working hours. In the future, classes will officially begin at 9 a.m., but doors will be opened earlier and care and individual support will be provided as needed.
Focusing on people
Global warming and ongoing environmental degradation are causing major health and psychological burdens and are responsible for around 13% of annual deaths in Europe. Temperature increase, loss of biodiversity and human land grabbing also increase the risk of further pandemics. Climate protection is active health policy. It consists of preventive measures and better care for consequential damage. We will provide Berlin with a comprehensive heat warning system that will inform the people of the city of impending dangers in good time and with pinpoint accuracy. Air and water quality will be constantly monitored. Counseling centers for ecological grief and climate anxiety and adequate care services for the increased need for psychosocial support of those affected will be set up by us. We will take care of people in existential stress situations caused by the climate crisis, heat waves or pandemics. We make these problems public and solve them together.
Chapter 6: Berlin radically new
Rise up for the climate! Now!
A good climate thrives in a strong community in which all people find their place. For this reason, we think about climate, society and economy together. Our view of humanity is positive. The necessary radical change will succeed when we all pull together. Each as they are able. All together.
More courage. More action. More climate. More Berlin!
Not saving on the climate
The climate-friendly restructuring of the economy and society can only be achieved with unprecedented investments in the future. It must be driven forward with all means at our disposal. Protecting our livelihoods cannot be counterbalanced with money. The longer we wait, the more expensive it becomes. And the ecological consequential costs must not be imposed on future generations. That is why we are calling for the deletion of the debt brake anchored in the German constitution for the purpose of socially just climate protection.
No room for climate destruction
In tomorrow's world, infrastructures that are harmful to the climate and the environment no longer have a place. Everything we build today will last for decades to come. But the future starts now. That's why we're fighting for an immediate nationwide halt to the construction and planning of fossil and climate-damaging infrastructure, such as highways, airports, coal and gas-fired power plants, fossil industrial facilities, and consumer temple malls. All this is not compatible with climate justice.
Last but not least: We remain activists!
Experience has shown: our policies are only as good as the civil society that drives them. We are part of the climate justice movement. We see ourselves as a mouthpiece for every initiative, every association and every alliance that works for climate justice, for the transport and energy transition and for a peaceful, social and livable Berlin. Let's get into conversation with each other.
Let's build a strong community for climate and civic participation. Let's bring radical humanity to Berlin's parliaments and cast social change into law. And let's stay active and continue to fight on the streets for the climate-positive transformation of our city. Join the movement! Berlin needs you!
Our climate plan
In addition to our election program, we are the only party with an extensive climate plan. On more than 300 pages it combines scientific research with tangible actions to realize Berlin’s transformation into a climate positive city in the next 9 years.
Make history
Are you a scientist or an expert? We got into politics, because we believe it’s time politicians start to act on scientific facts. We want and need your help to take the climate plan even further. Send us your feedback and contribute directly to expand it.