Our election platform for Berlin
The platform explains how we can turn Berlin into a climate positive city by 2030 in a socially just way. To implement it, we need your vote in the elections on September 26, 2021.
Which topics are you interested in?
Chapter 1: Inspire Berlin!
Ick will Future - I want future!
Climate protection means demanding justice, promoting new opportunities and living sustainably. In Berlin, we citizens are taking the helm into our own hands. The active participation of citizens' councils, whose decisions are politically binding, gives our democracy a contemporary update. We are transferring infrastructure and public services back to public control. We want to overcome barriers to innovation such as the debt brake. Because now and in this legislature is the time to invest in the future. We owe it to ourselves and to future generations. The striking climate justice movement reminds us of that every Friday. The whole city should join their demands in solidarity! This also means that we must put an end to the imperatives of consumption and growth. Instead of the destructive "faster, higher, further" of senseless turbo-capitalism, we finally dedicate ourselves to "closer, more human, more livable".
Chapter 2: Fair changes for Berlin
Revive non-profit status, promote tenant participation
Article 28 of Berlin's constitution grants all citizens a "right to adequate housing". In view of the plight of many Berlin tenants, there is an urgent need to revise and actively shape the legal framework for housing and the associated land rights at the state and federal level. The ownership of municipal and future remunicipalized properties is unsatisfactorily resolved. Their future management in state-owned housing companies is to be carried out in principle according to the criteria of the housing non-profit status abolished in 1990, which is to be reintroduced in an expanded form for this purpose: In addition to capping the profit margin at 4%, full reinvestment of profits in the existing housing stock and energy-efficiency upgrades, and a temporary share of up to 65% in subsidized housing, the commitment period in subsidized housing construction will also be waived. Stocks will thus be held permanently and inalienably by state-owned companies.
The term "public welfare-oriented" currently in circulation is misleading, as it is an indeterminate legal term without a clear definition. We also need an intensive dialogue with smaller players in the housing market, such as cooperatives, foundations or the apartment-house syndicate. The aim here is to build on positive experiences and, if necessary, transfer them to other portfolios. In general, the goal of all our strategic considerations is: We strengthen the co-determination of tenants, promote their identification with their place of residence and neighborhood, and ensure the long-term maintenance of our housing stock. Housing must no longer be traded as a commodity.
Chapter 4: Strengthen Berlin – Power to the People
Administration as a role model
The administration also serves as a role model. The entire vehicle fleet is being converted to 100 % climate-neutral drives. Buildings and office space are supplied with electricity and heat from renewable energy sources, and roof surfaces are used for photovoltaics. Finances must also finally be made sustainable. The state of Berlin is a customer of Postbank and Sparkasse-Landesbank, both of which invest in coal power and armaments. We put an end to this irresponsibility! In the future, Berlin will keep its accounts with social-ecological banks. In addition, the administration introduces a CO2 shadow price in the amount of the follow-up costs of currently 195 €. Thus, the actual climate and environmental costs will be priced into any investment and purchase decisions of Berlin.
Rescue plan for art, culture and clubs
The pandemic has hit Berlin's art, culture and club sector to the core. More than a year of lockdown has drained the city's once vibrant scene. It is about time to renew this creative force. Culture needs to regain its central importance: as part of climate-smart and social urban redevelopment and as an educational building block for the city's residents inside and our guests.
The Corona bailout programs have forgotten a large part of our cultural scene. We stand in solidarity with these people and actively fight for concrete aid. We are launching a rescue plan for the entire cultural sector, with a focus on the independent scene, galleries and Berlin's club culture. An overall concept for the new start will be developed in a participatory manner with the active involvement of the sector. The needs of all professional groups must be taken into account.
In the future, the focus will not be on project-dependent funding, but on sustainable structural funding. Culture is system-relevant!
Chapter 5: Bringing Berlin together
Good universities for students and employees
Many problems of Berlin's higher education landscape become apparent in research funding: temporary research projects lead to precarious employment, the acquisition of third-party funding leads to dependencies. We are changing that!
This also means an end to pure project funding and temporary positions. Scientists need a secure basis for their work with permanent employment and long-term perspectives. The academic mid-level staff, once the backbone of universities and universities of applied sciences, must be massively strengthened, and the right of scientists to have a say must be greatly expanded. With us, Berlin will once again assume responsibility in this area.
After more than 20 years of the Bologna Process, it is time to counteract fundamental mis-developments: among other things, we will implement a right for bachelor's graduates to a consecutive master's degree and greater freedom in shaping their studies (more options and setting their own priorities).
Chapter 6: Berlin radically new
CO2 tax and fair compensation
The consequences of climate warming hit the people of the global south and future generations the hardest. And this despite the fact that both groups are not among the main polluters. It is therefore a matter of justice if those responsible also take responsibility and bear the costs of the climate crisis themselves. We advocate a CO2 tax that takes into account the actual environmental costs. According to the Federal Environment Agency, this is currently 195€/ton of CO2. The resulting revenue should flow in equal parts into the climate-positive reconstruction of the city as well as into a per capita climate allowance, which will be paid back to the citizens. In this way, we create a social balance and an incentive to act in an environmentally friendly manner. Those who consume more pay more - those who protect the climate are relieved.
Not saving on the climate
The climate-friendly restructuring of the economy and society can only be achieved with unprecedented investments in the future. It must be driven forward with all means at our disposal. Protecting our livelihoods cannot be counterbalanced with money. The longer we wait, the more expensive it becomes. And the ecological consequential costs must not be imposed on future generations. That is why we are calling for the deletion of the debt brake anchored in the German constitution for the purpose of socially just climate protection.
Last but not least: We remain activists!
Experience has shown: our policies are only as good as the civil society that drives them. We are part of the climate justice movement. We see ourselves as a mouthpiece for every initiative, every association and every alliance that works for climate justice, for the transport and energy transition and for a peaceful, social and livable Berlin. Let's get into conversation with each other.
Let's build a strong community for climate and civic participation. Let's bring radical humanity to Berlin's parliaments and cast social change into law. And let's stay active and continue to fight on the streets for the climate-positive transformation of our city. Join the movement! Berlin needs you!
Our climate plan
In addition to our election program, we are the only party with an extensive climate plan. On more than 300 pages it combines scientific research with tangible actions to realize Berlin’s transformation into a climate positive city in the next 9 years.
Make history
Are you a scientist or an expert? We got into politics, because we believe it’s time politicians start to act on scientific facts. We want and need your help to take the climate plan even further. Send us your feedback and contribute directly to expand it.