Our election platform for Berlin
The platform explains how we can turn Berlin into a climate positive city by 2030 in a socially just way. To implement it, we need your vote in the elections on September 26, 2021.
Which topics are you interested in?
Chapter 1: Inspire Berlin!
Berlin only thrives with tolerance
All people in Berlin must finally have the same opportunities. However, this is hardly possible in a society where racism and anti-Semitism are deeply rooted and discrimination is omnipresent. Only if we acknowledge that we live in a white dominated society where the voices of non-white people and minorities are not equally heard, there is room for dialogue and a change of structures. We fight for a tolerant, plural city of radical diversity with participatory democratic structures in a sensitized administration, discrimination-free educational institutions, as well as police structures that take proactive measures against internal racist practices and punish them. Only when sexual identity and orientation, faith, origin and appearance, disabilities, age and social status are accepted in all their diversity can our urban society be truly inclusive and just. We call on all people and especially decision-makers to question their own privileges and actively dismantle prejudices. We work towards the abolition of discriminatory legislation.
We will fight fascist tendencies and parties everywhere. Conspiracy myths must be actively debunked with education and exchange. The Klimaliste Berlin sees anti-fascist organizations and movements as important allies in the fight against fascist violence in the city. We are an anti-fascist working party that focuses on non-violent, democratic dispute. Disrespect for human beings is not to be done with us. Furthermore, we recognize violence by police officers as a problem and consequently prevent the militarization and expansion of the police's powers and instead strive for a comprehensive restructuring of the apparatus. Victim protection takes precedence in all issues and the affected person's perspective is included in our political decisions.
We are aware that we have not yet sufficiently covered Berlin's diversity in our party. With self-criticism and reflection on the privileges of our members and internal party training on discriminatory structures, we want to shape our structures so that people from all communities feel welcome.
Chapter 2: Fair changes for Berlin
Protecting tenants
Last but not least, climate protection means reflecting on individual lifestyles and, where possible, adapting them in the interests of all. On average, every Berlin resident lives in 40 square meters of space - almost twice as much space as 40 years ago. If we think about the climate, living space means: electricity, heating, building materials, maintenance, and sealed nature. A larger living space per person leads to more resource consumption and more ecological consequential damage and pushes us outside the planetary boundaries.
We want to enter into a dialogue with the people of the city in order to find means and possibilities of a redistribution that is equally appropriate for the climate and for personal needs. This is about the right strategies and participation structures. It is about strengthening the living communities in the neighborhoods and expanding the rights of all renters. One of the instruments for sensible measurement of living space sizes could be a per-capita budget linked to energy requirements, which would function analogously to a personal CO2 budget: it would be priced if exceeded, and rewarded in the form of a bonus if not exceeded, for example by sharing living space. For this living space budget, we want to introduce an average guideline value of around 30 m² per person into the debate as a proposal from an ecological perspective. It is crucial to embed these measures: they must be introduced in consensus with the urban community, need appropriate transition periods, and must take into account the income of the respective renters.
We ensure that all people in the city can find adequate housing. Many Berlin residents need a larger or smaller apartment. For this purpose, we are setting up a public, free apartment exchange. Commercial interests and brokerage commissions will have no place there. We will ensure a legal framework that guarantees that landlords are not allowed to change the terms of an existing lease without good reason, such as a necessary modernization.
Ending displacement
In addition, there are a number of accompanying instruments with which we strengthen the neighborhoods as a whole and make displacement impossible. The expansion of the district's milieu protection protects the housing stock and the social mix in the neighborhood. There is a general ban on speculative luxury redevelopment and conversion to condominiums. Gentrification fuels segregation and alienates members of society from one another. We implement a consistent remunicipalisation of privatized holdings of real estate corporations, in line with the demands of the citizens' initiative Expropriate Deutsche Wohnen und Co.. Of course, new housing should continue to be built. However, the focus here is on the existing stock. Therefore, we also advocate the preservation of alternative housing projects, youth facilities and ways of life in Berlin. Skillful conversion of large residential units and former office space, additions of storeys and conversion of attic spaces are given priority for approval.
Despite the failure of the rent cap at the state level as a whole, there is an opportunity to make the conditions of the MietenWoG legally binding for the 330,000 units of the state-owned housing companies. We will take this step in the right direction quickly. The federal and state governments must act together for the benefit of the people. That is why we are committed to a nationwide rent cap.
Revive non-profit status, promote tenant participation
Article 28 of Berlin's constitution grants all citizens a "right to adequate housing". In view of the plight of many Berlin tenants, there is an urgent need to revise and actively shape the legal framework for housing and the associated land rights at the state and federal level. The ownership of municipal and future remunicipalized properties is unsatisfactorily resolved. Their future management in state-owned housing companies is to be carried out in principle according to the criteria of the housing non-profit status abolished in 1990, which is to be reintroduced in an expanded form for this purpose: In addition to capping the profit margin at 4%, full reinvestment of profits in the existing housing stock and energy-efficiency upgrades, and a temporary share of up to 65% in subsidized housing, the commitment period in subsidized housing construction will also be waived. Stocks will thus be held permanently and inalienably by state-owned companies.
The term "public welfare-oriented" currently in circulation is misleading, as it is an indeterminate legal term without a clear definition. We also need an intensive dialogue with smaller players in the housing market, such as cooperatives, foundations or the apartment-house syndicate. The aim here is to build on positive experiences and, if necessary, transfer them to other portfolios. In general, the goal of all our strategic considerations is: We strengthen the co-determination of tenants, promote their identification with their place of residence and neighborhood, and ensure the long-term maintenance of our housing stock. Housing must no longer be traded as a commodity.
Chapter 3: Berlin mobilizes – car-free
Sheet metal avalanche? A thing of the past!
The interaction of small initiatives, large associations and successful referendums has mobilized Berlin's citizens to drastically transform its traffic "from the bottom”. We support the "Berlin car-free referendum," that wants to let Berlin’s citizens vote creating a car-free zone within the S-Bahn ring.
We oppose the despondency of Berlin's transport policy to date with a visionary program for the mobility of tomorrow. We strongly criticize the current lack of initiative of Berlin’s transport policy. Instead we propose a visionary program to ensure mobility in the future. Our concept is inclusive, citizen-oriented, socially compatible and environmentally friendly. It is based on suggestions from many metropolises and scientifically proven measures, in close cooperation with research, science and technology. Vision Zero, i.e. zero traffic deaths in Berlin, should no longer be a goal, but finally a reality. Local public transportation must be massively expanded. Buses and trains will run more frequently. Fares will become cheaper. In this way, we will make Berlin fit for the 21st century and set an example for the world.
Public transport for all
The Berlin public transport company BVG will become the mainstay of future mobility in the capital. To make the switch easier, we are introducing a pay-as-you-go financing ticket for all Berliners. Because if everyone makes a contribution, it will also be cheaper for everyone. The public transport contribution paid by all citizens will make the use of buses, trains and streetcars throughout Berlin freely accessible to all. At the same time, the financing of the expansion of routes and personnel is on a firm footing. It is particularly important to us that Berlin's public transportation system finally becomes completely barrier-free - with regularly maintained elevators and guidance systems for the blind at all stations. In addition, people with walking disabilities should be allowed to carry a bicycle free of charge as an aid for connecting journeys. However, local public transport must finally be taken seriously as part of services of general interest and provided with the necessary funding from the federal government. With strong public transport, the private car will become superfluous. At the same time, we will make it more expensive. The resident parking permit costs 365 euros a year. Parking in the city will cost five euros per hour. In this way, we will actively involve car traffic in the traffic turnaround and thus invest in the expansion of buses and trains. We strictly reject subsidies and premiums for combustion engines or e-cars.
Chapter 4: Strengthen Berlin – Power to the People
Who runs the world? Girls*!
Climate justice means the end of patriarchal structures. Not only the supervisory boards of listed companies have equal representation, but also boards of directors, decision-making bodies and parliaments. Companies and institutions with equal representation are given preference in the allocation of public funds and research funding. Decisions made by non-parity bodies can be challenged.
My body, my decision: Self-determination over one's own body is an unrestricted right. Hygiene and contraceptive products are provided free of charge in Berlin. Unintentionally pregnant people have comprehensive and barrier-free access to information on abortion and counseling services. The regulations on this are clearly formulated and are part of health care. The decision on abortions is removed from the control of the state. § Section 218 and Section 219a are deleted from the Criminal Code. Unused ova from reproductive processes of infertile couples can be made available as a donation.
Chapter 5: Bringing Berlin together
Fighting discrimination in schools!
We are creating a functioning anti-discrimination office for the school sector, in which the perspective of those affected is in the foreground and which also has the necessary decision-making and instructional powers. Every teacher must participate in anti-racism and anti-discrimination training, supplemented by voluntary in-depth training and networking opportunities. The topic plays a cross-curricular role and is therefore integrated into the curricula accordingly and provided with working aids that are entered into the aforementioned interactive platform.
Veggie Day every day
In public canteens, in the provision of meals on wheels, in the kitchens of schools and universities, healthy meals of regional, organic and, if possible, regenerative agriculture are offered, which are produced in a socially just manner. From 2025, only animal-free meals will be served in publicly financed institutions, as this will massively reduce emissions and environmental pollution. We also want to ensure that sugar is taxed more heavily and dosed appropriately in our food. In ten years, plant-based menus will be a matter of course throughout Berlin. And until then, plant-based meals will always be cheaper than animal-based alternatives.
The dignity of animals is inviolable
Animals are sentient beings. Every animal has its dignity, which we are obliged to respect. A society in harmony with nature must develop a new relationship with our fellow beings. In the sense of climate justice, which should go hand in hand with social justice, we position ourselves against any form of discrimination, this also includes discrimination against animals and speciesism. We advocate an immediate end to factory farming and demand that animals should not be subjected to torture under any circumstances. Therefore, we will legislate more extensive animal rights and control their application far more than is currently the case. Within these laws, animals shall be recognized as individuals and no longer just as products. Animal experiments will become superfluous in the long term by supporting new research methods. Profit interests must never be at the expense of animal welfare.
Living therapeutic freedom
For over 40 years, the Transsexual Act has restricted the basic rights of over three million people in our country and pathologized them. We advocate for a rewrite of the law that provides freedom of name and therapy choice for all trans, intersex, and nonbinary people living here.
Chapter 6: Berlin radically new
Rise up for the climate! Now!
A good climate thrives in a strong community in which all people find their place. For this reason, we think about climate, society and economy together. Our view of humanity is positive. The necessary radical change will succeed when we all pull together. Each as they are able. All together.
More courage. More action. More climate. More Berlin!
A donut for Berlin
Hand on heart: Wealth and luxury at the expense of others has always been suspicious to Berliners! In our city, the focus is not on money, but on people. Namely, with comprehensive social security and respect for the limits of our ecosystem. The Donut Economy thinks local and global economy together with social responsibility and creates a balance that takes the pressure of the permanent meritocracy out of the system, makes the city livable for everyone and enables future generations to feel comfortable here.
Building on the donut experience of Amsterdam and in close partnership with other donut pioneers, we are making Berlin a model city of transformation. We are setting up a "Donut Action Lab", designed by the Berliners themselves. They will determine the framework conditions of their economy in a participatory process. Based on the results, legislation and funding policies will be realigned. All existing and planned public investment and subsidy programs must be put to the test. Anything that does not serve the goal of climate justice will be cleaned out. Berlin has what it takes to set an international example. To this end, we are bringing our economy on board as a driver of social and ecological renewal. Climate- and socially-just urban renewal means more meaningful work, more appreciation for systemically relevant professions, and a critical approach to bullshit jobs, destructive subsidies, and unlimited growth insanity.
The city is bursting with active, committed people and entrepreneurs with forward-looking, sustainable ideas. We take them seriously. We make them strong. We support businesses with a common good orientation that are not based on the exploitation of people and nature. This includes cooperatives, commons and other types of solidarity-based and not, or not primarily, profit-oriented economic activity. We work to ensure that a stable legal framework exists for all these forms of economy. Loss-free material flows of the circular economy become the standard.
Income? Livelihood!
Berliners earn significantly less than the national average. On average, women earn another 20 percent less. For years, federal and state policies have prevented fair pay and equal pay for equal work. We change that! We are making Berlin a role model for pay equity. We will find effective measures against wage evasion by subcontractors, chain contracts, temporary work, temporary contracts and other trickery. We immediately set out to explore and directly try out alternative forms of income (e.g. variants of unconditional basic income). Until they are introduced nationwide, we want to ensure consistent collective agreements and raise the minimum wage. We are committed to a 4-day working week with full wage compensation. Because more free time means deceleration, strengthening one's own health and more time for family and friends.
Consistently apply the right to housing, end homelessness
A life without existential anxiety and hardship is the prerequisite for a strong community. Our current social system must therefore be comprehensively reformed. It must be thought of in terms of integration and solidarity, across all strata. The empowerment of hitherto marginalized groups takes center stage. Homeless people, welfare recipients, mini-jobbers, students, pensioners - these categories hide individual stories and fates, people who want to be taken seriously. We want to empower them to participate fully in society. Through a basic material security that includes money, food and housing.
The right to housing, which is anchored in the Berlin state constitution, must be concretized and applied by law - rents must be affordable for all, in all districts! Vacancies must be actively countered by law and the districts must make aggressive use of the law on the misappropriation of housing.
No one is illegal
Asylum and protection seekers and all other migrants are welcome. We see migration as a normal aspect of human behavior and strive to normalize migration and its processes. This includes creating the necessary physical and mental infrastructure to improve the coexistence of people arriving here and those already living here. We recognize the privileges of the white majority society and take responsibility towards the people and countries exploited by neo:colonial, especially considering the unfair distribution of the catastrophic climate consequences. Right to stay for all, because no human being is illegal.
CO2 tax and fair compensation
The consequences of climate warming hit the people of the global south and future generations the hardest. And this despite the fact that both groups are not among the main polluters. It is therefore a matter of justice if those responsible also take responsibility and bear the costs of the climate crisis themselves. We advocate a CO2 tax that takes into account the actual environmental costs. According to the Federal Environment Agency, this is currently 195€/ton of CO2. The resulting revenue should flow in equal parts into the climate-positive reconstruction of the city as well as into a per capita climate allowance, which will be paid back to the citizens. In this way, we create a social balance and an incentive to act in an environmentally friendly manner. Those who consume more pay more - those who protect the climate are relieved.
Last but not least: We remain activists!
Experience has shown: our policies are only as good as the civil society that drives them. We are part of the climate justice movement. We see ourselves as a mouthpiece for every initiative, every association and every alliance that works for climate justice, for the transport and energy transition and for a peaceful, social and livable Berlin. Let's get into conversation with each other.
Let's build a strong community for climate and civic participation. Let's bring radical humanity to Berlin's parliaments and cast social change into law. And let's stay active and continue to fight on the streets for the climate-positive transformation of our city. Join the movement! Berlin needs you!
Our climate plan
In addition to our election program, we are the only party with an extensive climate plan. On more than 300 pages it combines scientific research with tangible actions to realize Berlin’s transformation into a climate positive city in the next 9 years.
Make history
Are you a scientist or an expert? We got into politics, because we believe it’s time politicians start to act on scientific facts. We want and need your help to take the climate plan even further. Send us your feedback and contribute directly to expand it.