Our election platform for Berlin
The platform explains how we can turn Berlin into a climate positive city by 2030 in a socially just way. To implement it, we need your vote in the elections on September 26, 2021.
Which topics are you interested in?
Chapter 4: Strengthen Berlin – Power to the People
A different type of tourism
We miss the guests in our city. We don't, however, miss cheap flights, shopping amok and Airbnb peddlers. After the end of the pandemic, Berlin's tourism needs a new start. The Senate's concepts for "sustainable tourism" do not meet the needs of either the industry or the affected citizens of the city.
We want to prohibit the commercial misappropriation of residential space and punish violators consistently. Instead of international corporations and chains, local businesses should profit from our guests: small guesthouses and hostels, family restaurants, conversations in front of the Späti in the neighborhood. This is how we show travelers the uniqueness of our city - with well-paid staff and secure jobs in the hotel and hospitality industry and on city tours. Guests use public transportation to get around the city. The costs for this are covered by a climate-related expansion of the city tax introduced in 2014, staggered according to the means of travel and length of stay in our city.
Above all, however, an overall concept is needed to rule out "overtourism" in the future. Politicians, the urban community and the tourism industry must develop a joint perspective for this. We are convinced that a healthy downsizing of the sector is best for all concerned.
Rescue plan for art, culture and clubs
The pandemic has hit Berlin's art, culture and club sector to the core. More than a year of lockdown has drained the city's once vibrant scene. It is about time to renew this creative force. Culture needs to regain its central importance: as part of climate-smart and social urban redevelopment and as an educational building block for the city's residents inside and our guests.
The Corona bailout programs have forgotten a large part of our cultural scene. We stand in solidarity with these people and actively fight for concrete aid. We are launching a rescue plan for the entire cultural sector, with a focus on the independent scene, galleries and Berlin's club culture. An overall concept for the new start will be developed in a participatory manner with the active involvement of the sector. The needs of all professional groups must be taken into account.
In the future, the focus will not be on project-dependent funding, but on sustainable structural funding. Culture is system-relevant!
Chapter 6: Berlin radically new
Last but not least: We remain activists!
Experience has shown: our policies are only as good as the civil society that drives them. We are part of the climate justice movement. We see ourselves as a mouthpiece for every initiative, every association and every alliance that works for climate justice, for the transport and energy transition and for a peaceful, social and livable Berlin. Let's get into conversation with each other.
Let's build a strong community for climate and civic participation. Let's bring radical humanity to Berlin's parliaments and cast social change into law. And let's stay active and continue to fight on the streets for the climate-positive transformation of our city. Join the movement! Berlin needs you!
Our climate plan
In addition to our election program, we are the only party with an extensive climate plan. On more than 300 pages it combines scientific research with tangible actions to realize Berlin’s transformation into a climate positive city in the next 9 years.
Make history
Are you a scientist or an expert? We got into politics, because we believe it’s time politicians start to act on scientific facts. We want and need your help to take the climate plan even further. Send us your feedback and contribute directly to expand it.