Our election platform for Berlin

The platform explains how we can turn Berlin into a climate positive city by 2030 in a socially just way. To implement it, we need your vote in the elections on September 26, 2021.

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Chapter 1: Inspire Berlin!


The earth is our home - Berlin is our project of heart. Together with you, we will turn the capital into a model city we can be proud of: Berlin will be climate positive and socially just.

We are already in the middle of shaping it, together with the citizens of this city - together with you. We are taking responsibility and will therefore become a climate-friendly zero-emission city as early as 2030. Gardens and public green spaces will characterize the cityscape, and the whole of Berlin will become a park. Our neighborhoods will once again be places for everyone to live and meet each other. Energy is generated locally in a renewable way and used efficiently. Our local economy is oriented to the social needs of the people in the city. It respects planetary boundaries, conserves raw materials, and reduces consumption. Circular processes, neighborhood stores and cultural institutions are more important to us than economic growth. Together we are radically redesigning the city: for us people, for our environment, for our well-being.

Listen to science and act accordingly!

Berlin policymakers will listen to independent science on climate and health from now on - that's our promise. A CO2 budget shows us exactly how ambitiously we need to avoid emissions in order to stay within the 1.5°C limit. And the Senate is committed to it! Because we are establishing transparent targets and monitoring at all levels of the administration. An Energy Transition Control Committee in the Senate Chancellery will ensure that the objectives are implemented smoothly, cost-efficiently and on time. Blockages and administrative ping-pong will thus be a thing of the past. This is how 100 % renewable energy by 2030 will happen! Avoiding the climate catastrophe is too important a task to be allowed to stagnate as it has been in the past. With partners like Brandenburg, we will work more closely together than ever before. And our economy will finally become a courageous role model for anyone.

Ecocide is a crime

"Thanks mommy, thanks daddy" is what our children will say when we leave them a buzzing, humming planet with insects, corals and other creatures. Anyone who knowingly endangers or destroys ecosystems will therefore have to deal with the law in the future. We are fighting for a very far-reaching ecocide law that prosecutes environmental crimes.

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Chapter 2: Fair changes for Berlin

Breathable air

Every year, more than 80,000 people die in Germany as a result of air pollution. The legal threshold values are regularly exceeded in Berlin as well. Urban redevelopment, traffic reduction and unsealing of the soil provide a considerable improvement here. With a new law, we introduce the recommended air pollution threshold of the World Health Organisation (WHO) for Berlin. They will be monitored throughout the city with the help of air monitoring stations, with the data being scientifically evaluated. Exceeding them leads to appropriate compensatory measures in the interest of people, health and the environment.

Water for life

Our water calls for more attention, too. Since Berlin's drinking water is partly obtained from the bank filtrate of the Spree, coal mining in the Lusatia region poses a massive threat to its quality. For years, water from other sources has had to be added in order to comply with the legal thresholds for heavy metals. Politicians have so far kept quiet about the dramatic consequences for all of us. We are changing that. Together with the federal government, Brandenburg and industry stakeholders we are developing a step-by-step plan to safeguard Berlin's drinking water. Prices can only be kept stable through determined action. In this context, Berlin's sewage treatment system will also be brought up to date. We ensure the comprehensive expansion of the fourth purification stage, which removes pharmaceutical residues from the water.

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Chapter 3: Berlin mobilizes – car-free

Parks and squares instead of parking lots

We will return vacant traffic areas to the people of Berlin and make them accessible for shared, safe use by all. They will be open for sports and culture, for art and play. Streets will become open stages for theater, music, literature, places to meet, to move, to linger. Berlin will become one big park, where we use the spaces equally. We want to enable and support planting and gardening in the streets. To this end, we will unseal or rededicate 50% of all public parking spaces in the coming election period and make them available to neighborhood residents. Free parking is a thing of the past. Parking space management will finally be extended to the whole of Berlin and the money will be used to transform the city. It is about time! Furthermore, vehicles that park unauthorized in handicapped parking spaces will be towed away immediately. In addition, it will be easier for people with disabilities to be issued a parking permit for handicapped parking spaces. All sidewalks will have non-parkable curb cuts at both ends blocked off with bollards.

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Chapter 4: Strengthen Berlin – Power to the People

Who runs the world? Girls*!

Climate justice means the end of patriarchal structures. Not only the supervisory boards of listed companies have equal representation, but also boards of directors, decision-making bodies and parliaments. Companies and institutions with equal representation are given preference in the allocation of public funds and research funding. Decisions made by non-parity bodies can be challenged.

My body, my decision: Self-determination over one's own body is an unrestricted right. Hygiene and contraceptive products are provided free of charge in Berlin. Unintentionally pregnant people have comprehensive and barrier-free access to information on abortion and counseling services. The regulations on this are clearly formulated and are part of health care. The decision on abortions is removed from the control of the state. § Section 218 and Section 219a are deleted from the Criminal Code. Unused ova from reproductive processes of infertile couples can be made available as a donation.

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Chapter 5: Bringing Berlin together

Focusing on people

Global warming and ongoing environmental degradation are causing major health and psychological burdens and are responsible for around 13% of annual deaths in Europe. Temperature increase, loss of biodiversity and human land grabbing also increase the risk of further pandemics. Climate protection is active health policy. It consists of preventive measures and better care for consequential damage. We will provide Berlin with a comprehensive heat warning system that will inform the people of the city of impending dangers in good time and with pinpoint accuracy. Air and water quality will be constantly monitored. Counseling centers for ecological grief and climate anxiety and adequate care services for the increased need for psychosocial support of those affected will be set up by us. We will take care of people in existential stress situations caused by the climate crisis, heat waves or pandemics. We make these problems public and solve them together.

A climate-friendly healthcare system

The pandemic has shown that we need a different health and care system: privatized structures are inefficient. Profit orientation leads to chaos. Instead, the people who work in the healthcare system need to be strengthened: We want to make shorter working hours, more vacation, secure employment and significantly higher pay through nationwide collective agreements the standard. Medicines and vaccines must become a global commons, since globally spread diseases can only be defeated globally. We advocate that medicines and vaccines can no longer be patented and that their production is instead freely and publicly documented. What is paid for by the public must also belong to everyone.

Here, too, emissions must be consistently reduced. This applies to the energy supply of all buildings, the mobility of the healthcare sector and the production of medicines. We want to make hospitals energy-autonomous. Drive ambulances electrically. The expansion of virtual consultation hours and meetings will be advanced. People with disabilities will be actively supported instead of additionally hindered by bureaucratic defenses and delays. They will be offered assistive devices and driving opportunities free of charge and without limits.

Mental health and activity

Stressful situations and emergencies such as the COVID19 pandemic have shown the importance of general awareness to strengthen health. Play, sports and exercise, a balanced psyche and stable social contacts in family and neighborhood must be possible at all times. Likewise, every Berliner should always have the opportunity to get out into nature for health purposes. The numerous new green spaces will help in this regard.

In addition, the topic of drug abuse must be de-tabooized and revisited. Education and prevention are to be massively expanded, with the danger of alcohol finally becoming part of the social debate. It is time for the decriminalization of cannabis. The fruitless debate around this issue has gone on for far too long - solutions are on the table. We are implementing them, together with medical professionals, the administration and the police. In addition, we will significantly strengthen and support projects based on the safer use principle in Berlin. We will make it possible for regionally produced products to be sold in appropriate places.

Living therapeutic freedom

For over 40 years, the Transsexual Act has restricted the basic rights of over three million people in our country and pathologized them. We advocate for a rewrite of the law that provides freedom of name and therapy choice for all trans, intersex, and nonbinary people living here.

Be prepared for emergencies

COVID19 has brought home to us: Our system is not equipped to deal with large-scale crises like pandemics. Chaos, ancient technology, and leadership failures have cost numerous lives. Many more have suffered health and psychological damage. Trust in state structures has suffered.

When it comes to climate, we focus on avoiding catastrophes. That's why we listen to science and, as a country, keep to our fair CO2 budget. At the same time, we have to prepare for emergencies. The people of Berlin have a right to expect their city to protect them. For this, Berlin needs modern disaster protection based on science and ethics. This includes shelters against heat, digital and analog hazard warning, water and food supplies for emergencies, and clear emergency and phased plans for pandemics. It is also important to help people help themselves in a strong, supportive community. Regular first aid courses for all people should be a matter of course.

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Chapter 6: Berlin radically new

Income? Livelihood!

Berliners earn significantly less than the national average. On average, women earn another 20 percent less. For years, federal and state policies have prevented fair pay and equal pay for equal work. We change that! We are making Berlin a role model for pay equity. We will find effective measures against wage evasion by subcontractors, chain contracts, temporary work, temporary contracts and other trickery. We immediately set out to explore and directly try out alternative forms of income (e.g. variants of unconditional basic income). Until they are introduced nationwide, we want to ensure consistent collective agreements and raise the minimum wage. We are committed to a 4-day working week with full wage compensation. Because more free time means deceleration, strengthening one's own health and more time for family and friends.

Last but not least: We remain activists!

Experience has shown: our policies are only as good as the civil society that drives them. We are part of the climate justice movement. We see ourselves as a mouthpiece for every initiative, every association and every alliance that works for climate justice, for the transport and energy transition and for a peaceful, social and livable Berlin. Let's get into conversation with each other.

Let's build a strong community for climate and civic participation. Let's bring radical humanity to Berlin's parliaments and cast social change into law. And let's stay active and continue to fight on the streets for the climate-positive transformation of our city. Join the movement! Berlin needs you!

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Our climate plan

In addition to our election program, we are the only party with an extensive climate plan. On more than 300 pages it combines scientific research with tangible actions to realize Berlin’s transformation into a climate positive city in the next 9 years.

read climate plan

Make history

Are you a scientist or an expert? We got into politics, because we believe it’s time politicians start to act on scientific facts. We want and need your help to take the climate plan even further. Send us your feedback and contribute directly to expand it.

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