Our election platform for Berlin

The platform explains how we can turn Berlin into a climate positive city by 2030 in a socially just way. To implement it, we need your vote in the elections on September 26, 2021.

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Chapter 1: Inspire Berlin!


The earth is our home - Berlin is our project of heart. Together with you, we will turn the capital into a model city we can be proud of: Berlin will be climate positive and socially just.

We are already in the middle of shaping it, together with the citizens of this city - together with you. We are taking responsibility and will therefore become a climate-friendly zero-emission city as early as 2030. Gardens and public green spaces will characterize the cityscape, and the whole of Berlin will become a park. Our neighborhoods will once again be places for everyone to live and meet each other. Energy is generated locally in a renewable way and used efficiently. Our local economy is oriented to the social needs of the people in the city. It respects planetary boundaries, conserves raw materials, and reduces consumption. Circular processes, neighborhood stores and cultural institutions are more important to us than economic growth. Together we are radically redesigning the city: for us people, for our environment, for our well-being.

Ick will Future - I want future!

Climate protection means demanding justice, promoting new opportunities and living sustainably. In Berlin, we citizens are taking the helm into our own hands. The active participation of citizens' councils, whose decisions are politically binding, gives our democracy a contemporary update. We are transferring infrastructure and public services back to public control. We want to overcome barriers to innovation such as the debt brake. Because now and in this legislature is the time to invest in the future. We owe it to ourselves and to future generations. The striking climate justice movement reminds us of that every Friday. The whole city should join their demands in solidarity! This also means that we must put an end to the imperatives of consumption and growth. Instead of the destructive "faster, higher, further" of senseless turbo-capitalism, we finally dedicate ourselves to "closer, more human, more livable".

Donut with currywurst

At the same time, we support all stakeholders who are committed to sustainable and climate-friendly business practices. The donut economy offers an excellent framework for this: because it places the well-being of people and the protection of the planet at the center of all considerations and actions. Let's make the donut the new currywurst! With the participation of the citizens, we take the ideas for a fair economy of the 21st century into the neighborhoods. And we keep the big picture in mind.

The needs of Berliners are considered together with those of other people, living beings and ecosystems near and far. Armed conflict is incompatible with climate protection. For this reason, we are also committed to disarmament and an active peace policy. Conflicts must be solved without violence - in our city as well as internationally. We reject the production and export of so-called armaments.

1 election program is not enough

Planning for the future means shaping far-sightedly with a steady hand. Unlike other parties, we don't think in terms of legislative periods, but in terms of generations. That's why we have written a climate plan for Berlin that shows a path to a fair, CO2-neutral city on a scientific basis. Let's work together to supplement and expand this climate plan. Let's listen to the needs of all Berliners and find powerful solutions to our challenges. Let's unite behind the science to address the climate crisis in a safe and healthy way. We have a vision for the future of this city - and a passionate desire to make it happen. Together with you. Are you ready to help shape your future?

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Chapter 2: Fair changes for Berlin

Enough with the waste

Let's finally tackle the rubbish problem radically. Waste must be avoided. It must not be a business sector. And it must not be exported simply to shift the problem. We want to bring the federal government, the states and industry to the table to quickly find new regulations that are long overdue. This includes new packaging systems, plastic bans in the entire food sector, deposit systems and an effective recycling system.

The existing Senate's zero-waste approach needs more traction and must be cast in justiciable ordinances. Here, too, the motto is: rather acting than talking. With us, there will be no more littered streets, squares and parks. Willful littering of our city will be consistently penalised.

Berlin has good energy

We are creating the proper framework for 100% renewable electricity in 2030 and 100% renewable heat by 2035 at the latest. Since Berlin is not allowed to produce any net emissions for the 1.5° limit from 2030 onwards, we will recapture emissions locally in the transition years, relying on natural processes and sinks such as forests, meadows and moorlands. Fossil fuels must be replaced as soon as possible. This issue of climate justice is our top priority. Therefore, immediately after the election, we will have the most promising renewable heat potentials in the city independently analysed and immediately initiate implementation. In doing so, rapid and efficient realisation will take precedence over commercial interests. High hopes for green hydrogen must not become a reason for continuing to burn fossil natural gas or dirty hydrogen, considering the alternatives that are already available today. Dependence ("lock-in") on such uncertain energy sources must be avoided at all costs.

Revive non-profit status, promote tenant participation

Article 28 of Berlin's constitution grants all citizens a "right to adequate housing". In view of the plight of many Berlin tenants, there is an urgent need to revise and actively shape the legal framework for housing and the associated land rights at the state and federal level. The ownership of municipal and future remunicipalized properties is unsatisfactorily resolved. Their future management in state-owned housing companies is to be carried out in principle according to the criteria of the housing non-profit status abolished in 1990, which is to be reintroduced in an expanded form for this purpose: In addition to capping the profit margin at 4%, full reinvestment of profits in the existing housing stock and energy-efficiency upgrades, and a temporary share of up to 65% in subsidized housing, the commitment period in subsidized housing construction will also be waived. Stocks will thus be held permanently and inalienably by state-owned companies.

The term "public welfare-oriented" currently in circulation is misleading, as it is an indeterminate legal term without a clear definition. We also need an intensive dialogue with smaller players in the housing market, such as cooperatives, foundations or the apartment-house syndicate. The aim here is to build on positive experiences and, if necessary, transfer them to other portfolios. In general, the goal of all our strategic considerations is: We strengthen the co-determination of tenants, promote their identification with their place of residence and neighborhood, and ensure the long-term maintenance of our housing stock. Housing must no longer be traded as a commodity.

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Chapter 4: Strengthen Berlin – Power to the People

Act local, think connected

We need to think outside the box. Berlin's climate-friendly urban redevelopment needs numerous new collaborations. Brandenburg is at the top of the list. Businesses and institutions based there will be invited at all levels to participate in Berlin's energy transition. Berlin and Brandenburg are already linked by a close partnership at the administrative level. Other sectors are to follow: Food, transportation, industry, education, urban and regional development, recreation, environmental protection, water, air - but also political administration. This new symbiosis will become a model for further partnerships. With neighboring EU countries and other pioneers of climate protection, we are exchanging experiences and jointly developing sustainable ideas. Because progress only succeeds through dialog.

Digital-sustainable model city

We see the comprehensive digitization of the economy and society as an opportunity to make our coexistence more inclusive, social and sustainable. To this end, we are tackling key challenges that have so far been completely ignored in political Berlin. By establishing a free and open WLAN network within the S-Bahn ring, we are curbing the double network expansion (mobile and wired). This will create a socially just, municipalized broadband Internet supply throughout the city. We are creating independence from the (market) interests of non-European players with data protection-oriented and energy-efficient data centers. And we are committed to realizing a digital self-sovereign identity (SSI) for citizens.

Existing and newly planned data centers are directly integrated into the city's heat cycle. In this way, we use waste heat and reduce energy consumption. We implement close monitoring of the rebound effects of digitization measures and promote the acquisition and operation of digital end devices from the most sustainable production possible. The purchase of remanufactured devices is preferable to buying new ones. Berlin companies should regularly provide information on the energy efficiency of their products and services and on the degree of their "dematerialization," i.e., their dependence on physical products such as paper or fossil resources. In addition, we want to investigate ways in which Berlin's businesses can transparently and fairly measure their efforts toward climate-positive business practices and how the state can appropriately value and promote these efforts. We position ourselves against any form of (increasingly energy-hungry) surveillance technology and data retention. We vehemently oppose the introduction of such measures.

Zebras instead of unicorns

Berlin must use its attractiveness and appeal to prioritize social and sustainable business models. Social entrepreneurs and sustainable initiatives will find all the necessary conditions in Berlin from now on to start with full support, to network effectively and to act with maximum impact. We are establishing a "Social Impact Fund" to support non-profit businesses and initiatives with a focus on the common good and climate justice. We follow the example of "Nesta" in the UK, which uses so-called dormant assets: the unclaimed account balances of deceased persons without heirs.

We support efforts to establish new, sustainable business models (e.g., in so-called steward-ownership). We will also implement the Wuppertal Institute's concept of alternative "Economic Development 4.0" on a large scale to promote local and small-scale sustainable economic cycles. We support the corresponding initiatives to create suitable legal foundations. We will also create comprehensive interfaces in the areas of administration and public infrastructure that enable the inclusion of and cooperation with Berlin's business community, especially social startups, as well as independent experts. A consistent focus on the use of open source software and hardware is mandatory, so that independent experts can gain insight into energy efficiency and security at any time and participate in the further development of digital public services. We also want to create incubators for system innovation for the use of the interfaces mentioned above and for the further development of the social foundations of urban and global coexistence.

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Chapter 6: Berlin radically new

Rise up for the climate! Now!

A good climate thrives in a strong community in which all people find their place. For this reason, we think about climate, society and economy together. Our view of humanity is positive. The necessary radical change will succeed when we all pull together. Each as they are able. All together.

More courage. More action. More climate. More Berlin!

A donut for Berlin

Hand on heart: Wealth and luxury at the expense of others has always been suspicious to Berliners! In our city, the focus is not on money, but on people. Namely, with comprehensive social security and respect for the limits of our ecosystem. The Donut Economy thinks local and global economy together with social responsibility and creates a balance that takes the pressure of the permanent meritocracy out of the system, makes the city livable for everyone and enables future generations to feel comfortable here.

Building on the donut experience of Amsterdam and in close partnership with other donut pioneers, we are making Berlin a model city of transformation. We are setting up a "Donut Action Lab", designed by the Berliners themselves. They will determine the framework conditions of their economy in a participatory process. Based on the results, legislation and funding policies will be realigned. All existing and planned public investment and subsidy programs must be put to the test. Anything that does not serve the goal of climate justice will be cleaned out. Berlin has what it takes to set an international example. To this end, we are bringing our economy on board as a driver of social and ecological renewal. Climate- and socially-just urban renewal means more meaningful work, more appreciation for systemically relevant professions, and a critical approach to bullshit jobs, destructive subsidies, and unlimited growth insanity.

The city is bursting with active, committed people and entrepreneurs with forward-looking, sustainable ideas. We take them seriously. We make them strong. We support businesses with a common good orientation that are not based on the exploitation of people and nature. This includes cooperatives, commons and other types of solidarity-based and not, or not primarily, profit-oriented economic activity. We work to ensure that a stable legal framework exists for all these forms of economy. Loss-free material flows of the circular economy become the standard.

Budgeting instead of endless growth

An end to the growth spiral and out of the hamster wheel. Full employment in classic gainful employment within the framework of an endlessly growing meritocracy is not ecologically justifiable and is detrimental to human well-being. We are driving forward mobile working, thereby reducing unnecessary travel and stress. In this way, an estimated half of the office space in Berlin can be dismantled and repurposed: for housing, for community. We are pushing the federal government to abolish the commuter allowance. Professions with high mobility requirements (e.g., mobile care, skilled trades) should be integrated into new mobility plans at an early stage. We systematically promote meaningful employment with added value for people and the climate (meaningful work) and regional economic structures. We create incentives for lifelong learning and support new activities, occupational fields and skilled workers that are essential for the climate-friendly transformation.

Income? Livelihood!

Berliners earn significantly less than the national average. On average, women earn another 20 percent less. For years, federal and state policies have prevented fair pay and equal pay for equal work. We change that! We are making Berlin a role model for pay equity. We will find effective measures against wage evasion by subcontractors, chain contracts, temporary work, temporary contracts and other trickery. We immediately set out to explore and directly try out alternative forms of income (e.g. variants of unconditional basic income). Until they are introduced nationwide, we want to ensure consistent collective agreements and raise the minimum wage. We are committed to a 4-day working week with full wage compensation. Because more free time means deceleration, strengthening one's own health and more time for family and friends.

CO2 tax and fair compensation

The consequences of climate warming hit the people of the global south and future generations the hardest. And this despite the fact that both groups are not among the main polluters. It is therefore a matter of justice if those responsible also take responsibility and bear the costs of the climate crisis themselves. We advocate a CO2 tax that takes into account the actual environmental costs. According to the Federal Environment Agency, this is currently 195€/ton of CO2. The resulting revenue should flow in equal parts into the climate-positive reconstruction of the city as well as into a per capita climate allowance, which will be paid back to the citizens. In this way, we create a social balance and an incentive to act in an environmentally friendly manner. Those who consume more pay more - those who protect the climate are relieved.

Taxing bads not goods

To accelerate the transition to a climate-friendly economy, our tax system must be made fit for the 21st century. In line with the principle of "taxing bads not goods," we are campaigning at the federal level for a radical tax reform that is geared to the common good. Accordingly, climate-damaging production and consumption will be taxed more heavily, while climate-friendly production and consumption will be priced little or not at all.

Growth must not be a state goal

Our economic system, built on growth, is partly to blame for the increasing destruction of our livelihoods. It can therefore not be part of our state policy objective. We push for the removal of the growth paradigm from all legally binding treaties and laws. Instead, we will include the protection and equitable use of our livelihoods as a supreme state objective in the Berlin constitution and adapt the state laws accordingly.

No room for climate destruction

In tomorrow's world, infrastructures that are harmful to the climate and the environment no longer have a place. Everything we build today will last for decades to come. But the future starts now. That's why we're fighting for an immediate nationwide halt to the construction and planning of fossil and climate-damaging infrastructure, such as highways, airports, coal and gas-fired power plants, fossil industrial facilities, and consumer temple malls. All this is not compatible with climate justice.

Last but not least: We remain activists!

Experience has shown: our policies are only as good as the civil society that drives them. We are part of the climate justice movement. We see ourselves as a mouthpiece for every initiative, every association and every alliance that works for climate justice, for the transport and energy transition and for a peaceful, social and livable Berlin. Let's get into conversation with each other.

Let's build a strong community for climate and civic participation. Let's bring radical humanity to Berlin's parliaments and cast social change into law. And let's stay active and continue to fight on the streets for the climate-positive transformation of our city. Join the movement! Berlin needs you!

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Our climate plan

In addition to our election program, we are the only party with an extensive climate plan. On more than 300 pages it combines scientific research with tangible actions to realize Berlin’s transformation into a climate positive city in the next 9 years.

read climate plan

Make history

Are you a scientist or an expert? We got into politics, because we believe it’s time politicians start to act on scientific facts. We want and need your help to take the climate plan even further. Send us your feedback and contribute directly to expand it.

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