Our election platform for Berlin
The platform explains how we can turn Berlin into a climate positive city by 2030 in a socially just way. To implement it, we need your vote in the elections on September 26, 2021.
Which topics are you interested in?
Chapter 1: Inspire Berlin!
Berlin only thrives with tolerance
All people in Berlin must finally have the same opportunities. However, this is hardly possible in a society where racism and anti-Semitism are deeply rooted and discrimination is omnipresent. Only if we acknowledge that we live in a white dominated society where the voices of non-white people and minorities are not equally heard, there is room for dialogue and a change of structures. We fight for a tolerant, plural city of radical diversity with participatory democratic structures in a sensitized administration, discrimination-free educational institutions, as well as police structures that take proactive measures against internal racist practices and punish them. Only when sexual identity and orientation, faith, origin and appearance, disabilities, age and social status are accepted in all their diversity can our urban society be truly inclusive and just. We call on all people and especially decision-makers to question their own privileges and actively dismantle prejudices. We work towards the abolition of discriminatory legislation.
We will fight fascist tendencies and parties everywhere. Conspiracy myths must be actively debunked with education and exchange. The Klimaliste Berlin sees anti-fascist organizations and movements as important allies in the fight against fascist violence in the city. We are an anti-fascist working party that focuses on non-violent, democratic dispute. Disrespect for human beings is not to be done with us. Furthermore, we recognize violence by police officers as a problem and consequently prevent the militarization and expansion of the police's powers and instead strive for a comprehensive restructuring of the apparatus. Victim protection takes precedence in all issues and the affected person's perspective is included in our political decisions.
We are aware that we have not yet sufficiently covered Berlin's diversity in our party. With self-criticism and reflection on the privileges of our members and internal party training on discriminatory structures, we want to shape our structures so that people from all communities feel welcome.
Chapter 2: Fair changes for Berlin
Citizens for trees, trees for citizens
Berlin's transformation is a matter for the community. A functioning urban nature needs the cooperation of administration and urban society. All necessary measures are bundled and implemented competently, efficiently and cost-effectively. For this purpose, laws are adapted, funds are made available, clear responsibilities are defined in the senate and districts, staff is hired and experts are trained. Then off to the neighbourhoods: Berlin's greening will be a celebration of direct democracy. In dialogue and with the participation of the residents, we will tackle urban restructuring together. Our actions bring climate education into the community. They strengthen the local coexistence and form the backbone for a sustainable resilient social community.
Chapter 5: Bringing Berlin together
Transformative education for an active shaping of our society
Education is more than transferring information. It is a social process that forms connections and positively strengthens the interests of the people. Education means participation - it is a tool that people are given to consciously shape their future. We see the promotion of systemic, innovative and critical thinking as the basis. We consider a positive learning environment, in which mistakes and the exploration of one's own strengths and weaknesses are seen as part of social coexistence, to be central.
Starting in the 7th grade, political education should become a central aspect of the curriculum. Students should be enabled to participate politically and to exercise their democratic rights, duties and opportunities in accordance with the guiding principle of being active citizens instead of informed spectators. This also implies basing school discussions of the climate crisis increasingly on the handprint concept rather than on the ecological footprint: joint impact on structures. Educators must be allowed and encouraged to critically reflect on the current political system at school. Students must be made aware of the fact that the system in place is in itself not neutral, but instead represents a permanent normative influence that promotes commercial growth. This focus on economic performance thus stands in opposition to achieving climate neutrality that is necessary for survival.
Important topics of our time are too often only addressed in schools selectively or in temporary projects - often through additional work of individual committed teachers or through cooperation with external partners, who are (can) only rarely be adequately remunerated. Structural changes and rapid digitization are necessary, but must be designed with the involvement of those affected - we demand a broad discussion and real participation! Initiatives consisting of teachers, social workers, parents and children have been dealing with the necessary transformation for a long time. The demands of some initiatives have been incorporated into our program and we see them as important partners.
For us, lifelong learning is not an empty phrase. Extracurricular educational opportunities must be accessible to everyone. Berlin has a museum landscape that is unique in the world. We make it accessible to all Berliners free of charge and continue to expand the educational program at museums and memorial sites. In doing so, we are pushing for a critical re-examination of colonial crimes and ensuring a greatly increased visibility of provenance research.
Sustainable school - radically diverse, equitable and climate positive.
The budget for the school sector must be massively increased. In addition to funding our proposed measures and implementing a comprehensive recruitment offensive, schools will be given their own budgets at their own disposal so that they can initiate experiments and model projects themselves.
We are advocating participatory school design. Climate, global climate justice, anti-racism, coming to terms with colonialism and local and global power and exploitation structures, critical economics, nutrition and conscious consumption will be firmly anchored as topics.
In addition, a re-examination of the shortfalls in climate policy will take place in the school, also in order to prevent intergenerational conflicts. The focus, however, is on the development and implementation of positive ideas for a sustainable Berlin! Our proposal for this: Pupils should spend a fixed day in the school week working on their own projects across all subjects and grades; teachers should provide support as needed. The "FREI DAY" concept of the initiative Schule im Aufbruch (school on the move) can be a model. The projects are supplemented by activities such as gardening, cooking together, visits to businesses and local projects, and discussions with scientists and transformation agents. In this way, social change can be experienced and grasped in a concrete way, and creativity is encouraged.
The Senate Administration produces material prepared by experts available on a central, low-threshold and interactive platform. Suggestions are also collected here on how climate-relevant topics can be given more space in the lessons of all subjects. The offer is supported by a permanent, interdisciplinary team of educationally relevant professional groups (e.g. craftsmen, artists, but also therapists), who provide individual developmental support and thus contribute to equal opportunities.
Last but not least, we will use all of the above-mentioned measures to alleviate the general pressure on the school system and all those involved in order to develop comprehensive time and space for personal development, community togetherness and team understanding. To implement these measures, we will provide teachers with the necessary time off during their working hours. In the future, classes will officially begin at 9 a.m., but doors will be opened earlier and care and individual support will be provided as needed.
Fighting discrimination in schools!
We are creating a functioning anti-discrimination office for the school sector, in which the perspective of those affected is in the foreground and which also has the necessary decision-making and instructional powers. Every teacher must participate in anti-racism and anti-discrimination training, supplemented by voluntary in-depth training and networking opportunities. The topic plays a cross-curricular role and is therefore integrated into the curricula accordingly and provided with working aids that are entered into the aforementioned interactive platform.
Making nature tangible
Classic nature and environmental education and nature experience allow children and young people to develop a personal relationship with nature. We will secure long-term funding for Berlin's coordination centers for nature and environmental education and enable more Berliners of all generations to experience nature. Kindergartens and daycare centers that do not yet have nature experience as an essential part of their activities will be supported to expand this.
Research: free and independent
We fight for a framework that makes Berlin a center of free research around the climate. This also includes an increase in the financial resources made available. Especially when it comes to climate, independent research must be ensured through publicly funded studies. The spectrum of research covers all disciplines and subject areas: Environment and nature, data and consumer protection, self-determination, social cohesion, digitalization, legal foundations, circular economy and resource consumption. All results of publicly funded research are made freely available. Research projects must be open to scrutiny from the perspective of sustainability and will be discontinued if necessary. Research in the areas of so-called armaments, weapons technologies and the promotion of fossil fuels will not take place in Berlin. Those who conduct externally funded research must disclose the interests of the donors in a transparency register.
Good universities for students and employees
Many problems of Berlin's higher education landscape become apparent in research funding: temporary research projects lead to precarious employment, the acquisition of third-party funding leads to dependencies. We are changing that!
This also means an end to pure project funding and temporary positions. Scientists need a secure basis for their work with permanent employment and long-term perspectives. The academic mid-level staff, once the backbone of universities and universities of applied sciences, must be massively strengthened, and the right of scientists to have a say must be greatly expanded. With us, Berlin will once again assume responsibility in this area.
After more than 20 years of the Bologna Process, it is time to counteract fundamental mis-developments: among other things, we will implement a right for bachelor's graduates to a consecutive master's degree and greater freedom in shaping their studies (more options and setting their own priorities).
Democracy needs good journalism
Are the media neutral? Is the reporting independent? We take these questions seriously. Because climate literacy needs independent journalism. And the climate crisis must be taken seriously in editorial offices. In fact, corporations are responsible for our daily print and online products. The structure of the steering committees of public service media must be revised in the Interstate Broadcasting Treaty. Political influence must not be allowed to override the public mandate. In addition, a large proportion of journalists work under precarious professional conditions, as freelancers, on call, for low fees. It is high time for a broad debate on the role of the media in our democracy. To this end, we are initiating a comprehensive dialog with all stakeholders, including not only traditional organs but also social media and the Internet. It's about structural and professional aspects. But also about questions of power and the role of the state, which is increasingly interfering through selective funding measures. We need solid conditions for truly free journalism that does justice to its core tasks of information and criticism.
Food for thought
Staff in canteens and school kitchens receive professional training based on the latest knowledge and are supported by nutritionists. We ensure that the meals offered are healthy, varied and tasty. The menus also stimulate the desire to experiment at home. Comprehensive nutrition education provides a better awareness of what food is good for one's well-being and health. We want to abolish our current food pyramid, which is influenced by food corporations. New guidelines should be based on current independent research. We will also address the consequences for the local and global environment, the actual production costs of subsidized food, and the working conditions in agriculture. If we know how our food is produced, we can better appreciate it.
In order to fully educate and sensitize the Berlin population about all the interrelationships of their food, the issue of speciesism will also be clearly named and integrated into school education, among other things. Today's economic system, in which animals are seen as mere means of production, will be openly and critically questioned. All factors and connections that have led to and contributed to today's system, which exploits animals, humans and the environment, should be clearly named and pointed out.
Nutrition education is a matter for schools
Teachers and students learn more about "our daily bread" in training courses. A school subject dedicated to the relationship between "climate, nutrition and health" becomes part of the curriculum, supplemented by practical cooking exercises and lessons in the school's own garden. The students will also disseminate their findings to the general public. Appropriate training will also be mandatory for medical staff, since medical professionals and employees in hospitals and therapy facilities are also important multipliers.
Chapter 6: Berlin radically new
Last but not least: We remain activists!
Experience has shown: our policies are only as good as the civil society that drives them. We are part of the climate justice movement. We see ourselves as a mouthpiece for every initiative, every association and every alliance that works for climate justice, for the transport and energy transition and for a peaceful, social and livable Berlin. Let's get into conversation with each other.
Let's build a strong community for climate and civic participation. Let's bring radical humanity to Berlin's parliaments and cast social change into law. And let's stay active and continue to fight on the streets for the climate-positive transformation of our city. Join the movement! Berlin needs you!
Our climate plan
In addition to our election program, we are the only party with an extensive climate plan. On more than 300 pages it combines scientific research with tangible actions to realize Berlin’s transformation into a climate positive city in the next 9 years.
Make history
Are you a scientist or an expert? We got into politics, because we believe it’s time politicians start to act on scientific facts. We want and need your help to take the climate plan even further. Send us your feedback and contribute directly to expand it.